Yoda: Learning with ‘e’s: The future of gaming

Serious Game, life is. Learning with ‘e’s: The future of gaming Games based learning is one of the most important strategies for 21st Century education. We have enjoyed playing games since time immemorial, and video arcade games such as Asteroids and Space Invaders of the 1970’s were just the start of the emergence of digital games. Recently, …

Tom Atlee: The Shift NOT Made by Obama – From Two to Many

Post-election: A collective shift from divided to wise Dear friends, President Obama said in his 2012 victory speech that “we are not as divided as our politics suggests”.  He also argued that we are more united than our politics makes us think we are.  Finally, he hinted that we are more diverse than our politics …

Michel Bauwens: Douglas Rushkoff Overview of the Collaborative Economy

Archive for ‘P2PF/Orange Report’: Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy full appendixes Posted on October 31, 2012 Rushkoff on “Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy Report” “There is no longer any excuse to remain ignorant of the vast peer-to-peer landscape that is slowly but surely replacing the obsolete, monopolistic, and competitive institutions of yesterday. This authoritative …

Michel Bauwens: Open Knowledge Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages

Open Knowledge: Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages Open Knowledge means a set of methodologies and principles that are related to both the distribution and the production of different knowledge works. In this context it is important to mention that the production as well as the distribution of knowledge works occurs in …

Marcus Aurelius: Toxic Army Leadership Casts Long Shadow – Not Just Generals but Field Grade Also

While many of you criticize WaPo, believe this is a real and growing problem within Army.  I have read both Ward and O’Reilly DoDIG reports — shocking.  IMHO, if 5 percent of what’s in those reports is 10 percent true, those two generals should be going to Disciplinary Barracks at Leavenworth.  Yet both cases have …

Michel Bauwens: Global Commons Movement to Meet in Berlin May 2013

The global commons movement is gathering again Submitted by George Pór on Sat, 10/20/2012 – 16:37 After the highly successful 1st International Commons Conference, there will be a second and even larger international gathering focused on the Economics of the Commons, in Berlin, May 2013. Organized by the Commons Strategies Group (with support of the Heinrich Böll …