Chuck Spinney: Effect of the Recession on the Deficit?

The failure of the so-called Super-Committee to come up with a plan for reducing the federal deficit has put the automatic sequestration process into play, at least for the time being.  If executed, sequestration will impose arbitrary across-the-board spending cuts in the belief that reduced federal spending will reduce the deficit and reverse our economic …

David Swanson: History of Corporate Personhood — How Lewis Powell & US Chamber of Commerce Bought the US Supreme Court

The Real History of ‘Corporate Personhood’: Meet the Man to Blame for Corporations Having More Rights Than You The real history of today’s excessive corporate power starts with a tobacco lawyer appointed to the Supreme Court.  By Jeffrey Clements, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, AlterNet The following is an excerpt of Jeffrey Clement’s Corporations Are Not People: Why They Have …

Marcus Aurelius: Experts: DoD Could Slash 150K Jobs

Experts: DoD could slash 150K jobs Sean Reilly Federal Times, 4 December 2011 A reduction in force. More base closings and consolidations. Big cuts to defense intelligence agencies. All those options affecting the Defense Department’s vast civilian workforce would be on the table if automatic across-the-board budget cuts go forward, experts predicted last week. That …

NYC: Day After Thanksgiving, Military with Machine Gun Outside of Bakery/Pastry Shop

NYC Port Authority Terminal, November 25, 2011 Jason Liszkiewicz Returning from a bus trip, I walked passed a man with a machine gun outside of a “bakery” (pastry-type cafe). I walked up to him and asked why was he outside of a bakery with a machine gun. His only reply was “9/11.” The Department of …