Reference: Retired CIA officer–Fix the Agency

CNN Editor’s note: Charles S. Faddis is a retired CIA operations officer and the former head of the CIA’s unit focused on fighting terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction. The author of a recently published book about the CIA, “Beyond Repair,” Faddis is also president of Orion Strategic Services, a Maryland-based consulting firm. Phi Beta …

Journal: Underpants Bomber Shines Light on Naked USG–Without Four Reforms, USA Locked in Place

UPDATE 3:  Obama summons intelligence chiefs to White House meeting Comment: This is pathetic. No one now serving in the White House is capable of telling the President the truth–that our $75 billion a year is wasted, that the agencies are suffering from 1950’s mindsets with 1970’s technology and security and legal blinders that are …

Search: United Nations Intelligence Training

INTELLIGENCE is DECISION-SUPPORT.  The process of intelligence is separate from whether the sources and methods are secret or not.  There is nothing secret, unethical, or illegal about the process of intelligence as decision-support. Original “Class Before One” (2010 Class 001 in Planning) 2007 United Nations “Class Before One” Infomation-Sharing and Analytics Orientation Other references:

Journal: Director of National Intelligence Alleges….

Strengthening Our Nation’s Front Line Of Defense By Dennis C. Blair Friday, December 18, 2009 Phi Beta Iota:  This is a seriously misleading article, our comments are provided after each paragraph. The legislation authorizing post-Sept. 11 intelligence reform — the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 — was signed into law five years …

Review: Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction (Paperback)

Utterly Brilliant Synthesis, Vital First Step–US Violates Every Single Principle December 18, 2009 United States Institute of Peace This book is a six-star special and will be so rated at Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog, where I cluster like non-fictions books in 98 categories, one of which is Stabilization & Reconstruction. At its …