Berto Jongman: Humans, Data, & Spies — What Manner, What Value, Integrity?

Data, meet spies: The unfinished state of Web crypto Many large Web companies have failed to adopt a decades-old encryption technology to safeguard confidential user communications. Google is a rare exception, and Facebook is about to follow suit. Declan McCullagh June 26, 2013 Revelations about the National Security Agency’s surveillance abilities have highlighted shortcomings in …

Mini-Me: Smart Young People See Government as Corrupt and Ineffective — World On the Edge of a Sweeping Revolution

Huh? Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state The myriad protests from Istanbul to São Paulo have one thing in common – growing dissent among the young, educated and better-off protesting against the very system that once enriched them. And therein lies the danger for governments Peter Beaumont The Observer, …

Robin Good: Attention Doesn’t Scale – the Role of Content Curation in Membership Associations

Elizabeth Weaver Engel and Jeff De Cagna are the authors of a small but very useful guide to Content Curation originally written for membership groups, and first published in November 2012.  The guide offers a good introduction to why content curation is so important, how it can help any organization and what are the key …

Search: management, integration, and oversight of intelligence collection and covert action

Here is the original post of the document and our critique. Reference: Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) Number 300: Management, Integration, and Oversight of Intelligence Collection and Covert Action Since then the position of the ADDNI/OS has been abolished, the long-standing director of the OSC that did so much damage in his ignorance and arrogance has …

Berto Jongman: Mike Haydon on TV “Security and Transparency a Zero-Sum Game” — Robert Steele Comments

Former CIA Head Warns David Gregory: We’ll Have To Be ‘Less Effective To Be A Little More Transparent’ Former CIA Director Michael Hayden told Meet the Press’ David Gregory on Sunday morning that security and transparency were a zero-sum game. “For part of my life, when I was running the NSA program, I thought lawful, …