Journal: Haiti Update 26 January 2010 PM

Crowds seeking aid in Haiti met with pepper spray and rubber bullets Desperate crowds have overwhelmed peacekeepers trying to deliver aid. The World Food Programme says that Port-au-Prince represents the greatest logistical challenge it has ever faced “They’re not violent, just desperate. They just want to eat,” Fernando Soares, a Brazilian army colonel, said. “The …

Search: synergy strike force beer clapper

Sample Cool Dude: Toff Hoffman. Related project: STAR-TIDES (Sustainable Technologies Accelerated Research/Transformative Innovation for Development and Emergency Support) Great project allowed to die: STRONG ANGEL Phi Beta Iota: Including Rand Beer and Jim Clapper is what causes this search to fail.  Dr. Dr. Dave Warner, one of the co-founders of Earth Intelligence Network (EIN), is …

Worth a Look: Eight Books on Securing the Peace and the New Meme “Responsibility to Protect”

Timely and pathbreaking, Securing the Peace is the first book to explore the complete spectrum of civil war terminations, including negotiated settlements, military victories by governments and rebels, and stalemates and ceasefires. Examining the outcomes of all civil war terminations since 1940, Monica Toft develops a general theory of postwar stability, showing how third-party guarantees …

Journal: Haiti–Italian Agrees with Brzezinki–A Mess

US criticised over Haiti aid as reconstruction talks begin After two days of observations Mr Bertolaso told a RAI television interviewer that the relief effort showed that the international community was unable to mount an adequate disaster response and called for the appointment of a civilian international humanitarian co-ordinator. He said the aid organisations, including …

Reference: Indexing & Seaching Information Timeline

From Cave Paintings to the Internet A Chronological and Thematic Database on the History of Information and Media See source for sort options. Short Version: Circa 250 BCE Earliest Surviving Monolingual Dictionary 1938 H. G. Wells and the “World Brain” July 15, 1955 Eugene Garfield  Foundation of Citation Analysis 1973 Henry Small Discovery of Citation …