Review: A Very Stable Genius by Washington Post “Authors” Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig Clear Defamation with Malice and a Whiff of Plagarism?

SHORT URL: 2 Stars — Defamatory with Malice — Authors Appear to Have Started with List of “Crazy” and Built Book Around Their Maliciously-Contrived Outline Reviewed by Robert David Steele This is in my view a defamatory work, and President Donald Trump, despite being the most public of figures, can and should sue the …

Robert Steele: Iran (Played by LtGen Paul Van Riper, USMC) Beat the Shit Out of the USA in 2002 — Today They Are, If Anything, Vastly More Capable

Out of the 2,000 plus non-fiction books I have reviewed over time, two have impressed me particularly, both explaining our loss in Viet-Nam: Review: The Tunnels of Cu Chi Review: Bare Feet, Iron Will Then there is the whole matter of electromagnetic and satellite vulnerabily, as well as rear area headquarters (I can cripple MacDill …

Election 2020: Week to 29 Dec 2019

Sunday, 29 December 2019 Praise Be to God! Big Picture. Bloomberg down and Sanders up, remarkably because of an America First Palestinians Matter commitment by Sanders — he is out-doing Trump and shaming Bloomberg. And just five more days to the end of the world, according to climate alarmists now known to be wrong.