2004 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence, From Truth, Power

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: FROM TRUTH, POWER Robert D. Steele, MA MPA NWC CIA(OPS) USMCR President, OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS, Inc. Editor’s Note: [Mr. Steele is a veteran of the clandestine service with three back-to-back tours in Latin America]. He received two awards while an operations officer. He has also served in offices responsible for programming satellite systems …

The 2022 Midterm – Yet Another Steal

  (Joachim Hagopian) -Turning to this week’s Big Event – the US midterm election result, it’s proven to be yet another scam election. But then how can we honestly expect a different result if the identified problems that rigged the stolen 2020 election have never been fixed?