Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Would Furlough All Civilians Under Revised Sequestration — This Is a Lie Being Told By Mixing Half-Truths and Eschewing Intelligence with Integrity

Reading the report, the fine print says sequestration is unlikely to occur. Pentagon would furlough all civilians under revised sequestration, analyst says Chalres S. Clark Government Executive, 9 January 2013 Unless Congress achieves a deal to head off the revised schedule for across-the-board spending cuts, the Defense Department in March will be forced to begin …

Reflections on the Next Four Years — Eradicate “Distortions,” Get the Truth on the Table, and Focus on Free Energy

Joseph Stiglitz, an economist I admire and would trust as one of several advisers has written a provocative essay, “The Post-Crisis Crisis” (Project Syndicate, 9 January 2013).  Here is his opening: NEW YORK – In the shadow of the euro crisis and America’s fiscal cliff, it is easy to ignore the global economy’s long-term problems. …

Mongoose: CIA as Pawn — the Candidates — and the Nominee is…

UPDATE:  Brannan nominated.  We wish him well.  The drone program will be his death unless he wises up quickly and transfers the drone program to the military.  During his tenure CIA will face legal challenges in world courts, direct assassination of not-so-secret CIA case officers operating with impunity, and a president very disappointed that CIA …

SmartPlanet: Supermarket Gets Grip on True Cost of Refrigeration with and without Doors

The simple plan that saved a supermarket chain millions By Tyler Falk | January 3, 2013 Imagine if your refrigerator didn’t come with a door. The unnecessary energy use would be costly and your kitchen would always be cold. Despite the obvious benefits of having a door on a refrigerator, supermarkets around the world have …

SchwartzReport: Schools Can Be Net Zero and Earn $2000 a Month with Excess Solar Power

Net Zero’s Net Worth: How Renewable Energy Is Rescuing Schools from Budget Cuts   Educators across the country are finding millions of dollars in savings through cheap and simple forms of renewable energy. Erin L. McCoy Yes! 5 November 2012 As the new Richardsville Elementary School rose from its foundations on a rural road north …