Marcus Aurelius: Leon Panetta Prances Around the Truth–Congress Goes Along with Blatant Misrepresentations

I urge that you reject SECDEF’s assertions; also urge that you contact your Congressional delegations and ask them to also reject what SECDEF is saying. Panetta ties TRICARE fee increases to maintaining key programs, personnel By Bob Brewin 04/16/2012 At a Pentagon press briefing on Monday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said congressional tinkering with the $613 …

Mini-Me: Myths of US Government Shattered – JFK Assassination by USG Cabal Set to Unravel Along with 9/11 Related Lies and Cover-Ups

Huh? The Murder of [CIA Spouse] Mary Pinchot Meyer Jacob G. Hornberger Future of Freedom Foundation Recently by Jacob G. Hornberger: The Kennedy Assassination In early 1976 the National Enquirer published a story that shocked the elite political class in Washington, D.C. The story disclosed that a woman named Mary Pinchot Meyer, who was a …

DefDog: After Massacre, Army Tried to Delete Patsy from Internet

Manipulation……they don’t seem to understand the truth will eventually leak….. After Massacre, Army Tried to Delete Accused Shooter From the Internet Robert Beckhusen WIRED, 22 March 2012 The military waited six days before releasing the name of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians earlier this month. One of the …