Mini-Me: Agents of Religion – Religion of Agents

Huh? AGENTS OF RELIGION-RELIGION OF AGENTS (Vol. I): THE INFLUENCE OF FAITH IN THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES Zhyldyz Oskonbaeva (RIEAS Senior Advisor & Eurasian Liaison) NEWSLETTER Issue #5 – May 2012 (Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies) The more followers you have, the stronger is their belief in you. The more believers you have, the greater your …

DefDog: CIA Claims Double-Agent, New Set of Explosive Underpants

Double agent infiltrated AQAP bomb plot? This whole thing leaves me believing that something rotten is going on in Langley…..from my work I know the following: AQ did not conduct operations based on historical dates.  Infiltrating AQ was the hardest task we faced. In fact, the CIA and other IC elements always preached that it …

Winslow Wheeler: Pentagon Aviation Plan Over-Budget Lacking Both Intelligence and Integrity

My analysis of DOD’s latest “30 year” (not really) Aviation Plan is running at Time’s Battleland Blog at, and below.  In my judgment, the overriding revelation in this document is of the incompetence and disingenuousness of the bureaucracy in DOD that wrote it.  If you think documents like this, costing over $1 million to produce, add …

Mini-Me: Call to Arms Occupy 2012 Hits West Coast & Paulistas

Huh? CULTURE | A Call to Arms from the Author of ‘The Open-Source Everything Manifesto’ By  RobertSteele – April 27, 2012 North Atlantic Books Communities As much as I love all that it represents, Occupy is struggling. The dirty little secret of Occupy is that it is moderately organized in NYC, Chicago, Boston, and Oakland …

Chuck Spinney: US Senate Notices Next Atomic Disaster in Japan

Warning Signs for the US Why Fukushima is a Greater Disaster Than Chernobyl by ROBERT ALVAREZ, Counterpunch, APRIL 24, 2012 In the aftermath of the world’s worst nuclear power disaster, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world posed by the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site are …

NIGHTWATCH: US “Leaders” Do Not Know Squat About War or Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN COMMENT: The photos published by the Los Angeles Times have been covered extensively by the US press, except for a few minor issues not mentioned by any news services. First of all, an Islamic suicide bomber is not someone who has abused his body, as some pundits opined today. On the contrary, he is …