Gordon Duff: Mossad Jeffrey Epstein Core Nuclear Blackmail and Smuggling Network Compromising Department of Energy, US Air Force, and Governors of New Mexico

Why America is a Threat? With all the investigation of Epstein, the “Lolita Express” and his private island, nothing is said of the “Zorro Ranch” in New Mexico. The facility is on land whose history, and we must be careful here, establishes a series of relationships between Epstein and powerful politicians who live nearby, some …

Ed Jewett: Cultural Marxism – LGBTQI+ A National Security Threat — the End of Civil Society as Transgender and Transhumanist Lies Destroy Everything that is Good and Sacred in Western Civilization?

Transgenderism and transhumanism are nothing less than an attempt to genocide the human species and destroy civil society with a particular focus on destroying families and the education of normal straight children. Some call this Cultural Marxism. The normalization of perversion — includiing pedophilia and bestiality along with transgenderism and transhumanism, appears to be a …