SchwartzReport: Tea Party Tantrums — Don’t Want to Be a White Minority — Never Mind Already Being Stupid

This, I think, is the truth of the Tea Party, and it reflects my own views. I published my first essay on the coming White minority in 1998, after following this trend beginning in the 70s, and it has just been growing angrier and more irrational year by year. The White Man’s Last Tantrum? ROBERT …

Marcus Aurelius: Axis of Evil 2013 — Is Washington In Enemy Hands?

“A picture is worth a thousand words” and “you can’t make this stuff up.” But nothing I can think of illustrates the root causes and relative potential impacts of government shutdown as well as following Mike Luckovich cartoon which just happened to appear in today’s Washington Post. Elegant in its simplicity, it addresses truths that …

Gregory Sinaisky: HIST 3 APR 2003 Detecting Disinformation, Without Radar [Truth Specific, Lies Vague]

Detecting disinformation, without radar By Gregory Sinaisky [Pseudonym] Asia Times, 3 April 2003 How to tell genuine reporting from an article manufactured to  produce the desired propaganda effect? The war in Iraq provides us plenty of interesting samples for a study of disinformation techniques. Take the article “Basra Shiites Stage Revolt, Attack Government Troops”, published …

Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Crisis is Not the Government Shutdown, But Rather the Lack of Intelligence with Integrity Across US Society

The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown The inability of the media and politicians to focus on the real issues never ceases to amaze. The real crisis is not the “debt ceiling crisis.” The government shutdown is merely a result of the Republicans using the debt limit ceiling to attempt to block the implementation …

Marcus Aurelius: SOF O-6 Sends – A World Where No One Listens to America

All following appears consistent with Dinesh DiSousa’s books and the film that came from them, “2016:  Obama’s America,” which assert that POTUS is a rampant anticolonialist whose principal objective is to reduce America to the status of a Third World nation rather than to facilitate the nations of the Third World to achieving levels of …

Preston James: Inside the Beltway III — The Big Shift [Cultural Intelligence]

Inside Beltway III: Creating Cover for Big Shift Preston James Veterans Today, 30 September 2013 Inside the beltway, it’s doofuses ‘R us and perhaps the world’s biggest collection of gangsters, liars, criminal psychopaths and incompetents. And now it’s getting exposed, even in the major mass media and the alternative Internet Media is going wild exposing …