John Congdon: Public Banking – Golden Rule Network Connecting Individual Equity with Fractional Reserve Banking Reach

Proposed: that communities create Capital Asset Partnership Trusts (CAPT) in the context of a larger Golden Rule Network The potential monetized value of equity in real property is tremendous. In the U.S. alone the equity in home ownership is $8.2 trillion. As well, there is the other huge pool of capital with the equity present …

James Mattis: US Suffers from Strategic Atrophy

Mattis: U.S. Suffering ‘Strategic Atrophy’ By: John Grady USNI News, 14 May 2014 Speaking in Washington, D.C., retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis said, “the perception is we’re pulling back” on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. “We have strategic atrophy.”

Jean Lievens: Can Analytics Save The Earth?

This Earth Day, Let’s Start Using Analytics To Conserve Energy The success of new energy projects relies on one crucial skill: the ability to derive insights from massive amounts of rapidly changing data. That’s why utilities and energy companies are adopting analytics to meet the rising demand for renewable energy from more sophisticated customers.

Owl: TPP A Coup, 23-Count Indictment of TPP as High Crimes and Misdemeanors, UnConstitutional, What’s Not to Like?

TPP: A Bloodless Coup Imposing Tyranny May be Near Upon Us [2015] Richard Martin, an Internet financial radio pundit, sent the text below, written by Joe Firestone, to those on his email list. Note Martin’s key take-away comment on this text: “The governing functions of the TPP regime would not be exercised with the consent …

Michel Bauwens: Californians Outraged As Oil Producers & Frackers Excluded From Emergency Water Restrictions

Californians Outraged As Oil Producers & Frackers Excluded From Emergency Water Restrictions California’s oil and gas industry is estimated (with official data due to be released in coming days) to use more than 2 million gallons of fresh water per day; so it is hardly surprising that, as Reuters reports, Californians are outraged after discovering …

Open Power: A Notional Coalition Team to Force Electoral Reform in 2015 and Run for Reform in 2016

IMAGINE a Coalition Team led by an Independent but in fact a team of equals whose sole mission in life was to restore the integrity of the electoral process in 2015 and thence of the government, economy, and society in the USA in 2016 and beyond. Below is such a team as a starting point …

Open Power: Revolution Now! Non-Violently — for Electoral Reform Act of 2015 in Time for 2016

Revolution Now – Non-Violently – for Electoral Reform in 2015 Want an Honest Government Of, By, and For We the 99%? Here’s How. Robert David STEELE Vivas (Native-Born Bi-Lingual Pissed-Off Latino Activist) I cannot stress this enough: whatever your issue, however righteous and important it might be, it will never get a fair hearing as …