Review: The Skeptical Environmentalist–Measuring the Real State of the World

Gives New Meaning to Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics January 22, 2002 Bjorn Lomborg UPDATED 6 Oct 09 to upgrade to five stars and add links that comprise an apology of sorts. The more I read the less I know, and the more I appreciate the absolute essentiality of getting all points of view face …

2001 Rotheray (UK) New Risks of Crisis: Fresh Perspectives from Open Source

Brian Rotheray is one of the “Dissident Majority” at BBC who have objected, among other things, to terrible management and a rather loose grasp of the truth, including teams that are so biased against any sembalnce of Western intervention as to be considered propaganda elements of the indigenous insurgent elements. To the left, one of …

2001 Oakley (US) The Use of Military & Civilian Power for Engagement and Intervention

To the left is the cover of the seminal work by Ambassador Bob Oakley and Col Mike Dziedzic and others, at Amazon.  The National Defense University (NDU) logo leads to the book free online at NDU. This book is long over-due for updating and reissuance, this time including a proper index. Below is Ambassador Oakley’s …