NIGHTWATCH Extracts on Two WikiLeaks Items

NIGHTWATCH Comments on two Wikileak reports in the news: The Guardian and The New York Times today highlighted one leaked report that North Korea sold Iran 19 BM-25 nuclear-capable ballistic missiles and another that alleged that Chinese officials support Korean unification and expect North Korea to collapse. Both deserve comment.The North Korean BM-25 missile is …

Journal: US Secret Intelligence Tasking US Diplomats

Insofar as I know, the DoD military Services remain under broad and explicit proscription from accessing the Wikileaks site or the Wikileaks releases in any form.  Some of the Service directives are very intimidating, threatening court martials for military members, loss of security clearances, etc., etc.  From the broadcast media, it appears that major lockdowns …

Review: The Amish Way–Patient Faith in a Perilous World

Donald B. Kraybill Steven M. Nolt David L. Weaver-Zercher Three World-Class Authors on Amish Create Single Distillation November 28, 2010 I bought this book because two colleagues, Howard Rheingold and Kevin Kelly, are both working on books about the Amish in relation to technology, with the key thought being that when the Amish adopt or …

Reference: MountainRunner on Information Operations National Security will require Smarter Networks (Ali Fisher on June 1, 2010) An Introduction to Using Network Maps in Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication (Ali Fisher on October 8, 2009) Ali Fisher is Director of Mappa Mundi Consulting and a former Director of Counterpoint, the cultural relations think-tank of the British Council. Ali blogs …