Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11 – Reviewing the UnCredible Once Again

The 11th Anniversary of 9/11 ~ Paul Craig Roberts The article below was written for the Journal of 9/11 Studies for the eleventh anniversary of September 11, 2001, the day that terminated accountable government and American liberty. It is posted here with the agreement of the editors. In order to understand the improbability of the …

Paul Craig Roberts: Both Parties See Citizens as Disposable

 The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable Institute for Political Economy, 7 September 2012 If political conventions are ranked on a one to ten scale for intelligence, I give the Republican Convention zero and the Democrats one. How can the United States be a superpower when both political parties are unaware of …

Mini-Me: Desmond Tutu – George W. Bush and Tony Blair Should Face Prosecution for Iraq War

Huh? Desmond Tutu: George W. Bush and Tony Blair Should Face Prosecution for Iraq War Louis Peitzman, 2 Sep 2012 In an op-edpublished today, Archbishop and Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu does not mince words in his condemnation of the Iraq War: The immorality of the United States and Great Britain’s decision to invade …

Review: Why Nations Fail – The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

Deron Acermoglu and James Robinson 5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful to Most, Can Be Summed Up as Integrity & Clear Feedback Loops,August 17, 2012 There is no question but that this book is a major contribution to the current dialog, such as it is. As someone who reads a great deal, I have finally …