Review (Guest): Global Catastrophes and Trends – The Next Fifty Years

Vaclav Smil Very balanced and insightful thinking on the topic, September 3, 2010 Gaetan Lion Contrary to what the title suggests, this is not about over-hyping any apocalyptic scenarios. To the contrary, Smil thinks through issues in an insightful and detached way. From the book, you develop critical thinking skills to vaccinate your mind against …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Sigfried Gold on 7 Reasons for Spiritual Progressives to Engage Humbly with Fundamentalists

7 Reasons for Spiritual Progressives to Engage Humbly with Fundamentalists by: Sigfried Gold on November 12th, 2013 | 6 Comments » Progressives deliver lofty words about embracing people who are different from us, but we often fail to put those words into practice when it comes to religious fundamentalists. In truth, there are many deep …

4th Media: We Do Not Make This Stuff Up… + False Flag Meta-RECAP

Americans Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror Governments Admit They Carry Out False Flag Terror Governments from around the world admit they carry out false flag terror: A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked …

Review (Guest): BREACH OF TRUST – How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country

Andrew J. Bacedvich A disturbing but vitally necessary read. Take note, Mr President, and Congress too By Timothy J. Bazzett on September 10, 2013 Andrew Bacevich’s latest offering, BREACH OF TRUST, is going to make a lot of people squirm – if people read it, that is. Because in this book he tells us flat …