2010 Reference Core Clinical Collection: Essential overviews of globally important diseases

Access the entire collection anytime for $50.00. Or purchase seminars individually for $19.95. Acute hepatitis C Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Acute myeloid leukaemia Acute myocardial infarction Acute pancreatitis Acute renal failure Adult epilepsy Advances in leishmaniasis Age-related macular degeneration Alcohol-use disorders Alzheimer’s disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Ankylosing spondylitis Asthma in older adults Atrial fibrillation: strategies to …

Journal: Terminator to Feds–“Can You Spell Nullify?”

Marijuana in California: Prop. 19 won’t stop federal drug enforcement Even if voters pass Proposition 19 on Nov. 2, which would legalize use of marijuana in California, the Justice Department will continue to enforce federal drug laws there, Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday. Read full story…. Phi Beta Iota:  States have the right to …

Journal: Financial War, Expropriation of Assets Next?

Economic historians have long recognized that one of the biggest mistakes deepening and prolonging the Great Depression was the establishment of beggar-thy-neighbour policy wars, like trying to protect domestic production by imposing protective tariffs.  But these tariffs hurt everyone, because the reduction in world trade depressed demand and  production to a greater extent than tariffs …

Reflections from Tom Atlee–We Beg One and All to Read and Contribute-and Join Us in Louiseville!

Phi Beta Iota: We beg one and all to read this and to contribute to the Co-Intelligence Institute whatever they can, be it $20 or $250 (our founder’s usual contribution).  Tom Atlee brought collective intelligence and public intelligence to where it is today.  America–and the world–need him vibrant and engaged.  PLEASE do what you can …

Journal: Tom Atlee Comments on Great Transition

This excellent piece aligns with one of the most important evolutionary dynamics I’ve been studying with Michael Dowd, Connie Barlow, John Stewart, and others.  That dynamic, which has operated since the Big Bang, is this:  In evolution’s drive towards greater complexity — that is, towards greater wholes comprised of more densely interconnected parts — the …