Berto Jongman: Kosovo – Crime without Punishment, Power without Responsibility

Crime without punishment, power without responsibility – Kosovo, international policy and the rule of law Unless the international community demonstrates it is serious abouthuman rights, restitution and disrupting organised crime and criminality, its current policy of stability in place of justice can only continue to fuel both injustice and instability. Learn more about the principles …

Henry Giroux: The USA’s Politics and Economics of Cruelty & the Disposable Underclass

Why Don’t Americans Care About Democracy at Home? By Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed, Tuesday, 02 October 2012 13:47 “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”  – James Baldwin Four decades of neoliberal policies have given way to an economic Darwinism …

Berto Jongman: Johan Galtung Keynote to UN Human Rights Council – Twelve Theses for Creating a New Equitable World That Works for All

Peace, human rights and development in multi-polar and evolving world Johan Galtung TMS, 2 October 2012 Keynote Speech at the UN Human Rights Council SOCIAL FORUM – Oct 1, 2012 Your Excellencies! The title for this Sixth Social Forum – in the context of the 10 Articles of the UN Declaration on the Right to …

Paul Craig Roberts: Cynthia McKinney On Leadership

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership October 2, 2012 Those who have followed the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination and current contest between Romney and Obama know that the United States has no political leadership in Washington. Billions of dollars have been spent on political propaganda, but not a single important issue has been addressed. The …

Search: solutions for prosperous world UPDATED to include readings & contact info

Updated 29 October 2012 to include frequent search request “readings about solutions for a prosperous world” also added skype and email contact info New integrated search term:  readings about solutions for a prosperous world The proven process of intelligence is not secret, not federal, and not expensive.  Thinking is free.  What matters is the strategic …

Michel Bauwens: When Growth Outpaces Happiness (Corrupt Mis-Appropriation of the Benefits of Growth)

When Growth Outpaces Happiness CHINA’s new leaders, who will be anointed next month at the Communist Party’s 18th National Congress in Beijing, might want to rethink the Faustian bargain their predecessors embraced some 20 years ago: namely, that social stability could be bought by rapid economic growth. As the recent riots at a Foxconn factory …