Josh Kilbourn: Fukushima #4 Spent Fuel Rods + Earthquake = Nuclear Holocaust

Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 4: An earthquake before spent fuel rods are moved to safe storage would be “the end” By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Naked Capitalism, Saturday, April 14, 2012 This clip from TV Asahi is a lucid explanation of the biggest ongoing news story in the world today: The catastrophic consequences if an earthquake …

Mini-Me: Japan’s Lies to the World on Fukushima

  New international report shreds Japan’s carefully constructed Fukushima scenario John C. Daly Arab News. com, 13 November 2011 EXTRACT Needless to say, in the aftermath of the disaster, both TEPCO and the Japanese government were at pains to minimize the disaster’s consequences, hardly surprising given the country’s densely populated regions. But now, an independent …

Chuck Spinney: What Caused the Fukushima Meltdowns?

The Tsunami or the Earthquake Preceding the Tsunami????? Below is another pathbreaking report in Counterpunch on the Fukushima question.  Fukushima may be off the front pages, but the catastrophe is still generating serious questions with profound ramifications.  In a few days, I will forward another blaster will showing how the some of these ramifications this …

Post-Fukushima Infant Deaths in the Pacific Northwest

Each week, on a Friday, Alexander Cockburn publishes a weekly diary in the weekend edition of Counterpunch, which he co-edits with Jeffrey St. Claire.  Last week’s diary included a particularly important entry that expands on earlier CP essay analyzing the possibility of increased infant deaths in the western US resulting from the poisons spewed out …