Mini-Me: Earthquakes, East Coast, Fukushima Redux + Meta-RECAP

Huh? In Japan during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami? Radiation exposure estimates now available The Pentagon says that none of the nearly 70,000 members of the DoD-affiliated population (service members, DoD civilian employees and contractors, and family members of service members and civilian employees) who were on or near the mainland of Japan between March …

David Issenberg: Toxic Contractor Activities DoD Turns Blind Eye – Who’s Accountable? Fast Forward to Fukushima Approaching on a Tsunami of Official Lies and Misdirection

Burn, Baby, Burn Huffington Post, 4 Sep 2012 Remember when rioters in Watts, Calif., began shouting “Burn, Baby! BURN!” in the turmoil of 1965? I’m sure they didn’t have the following future in mind. That would be the various lawsuits against KBR for operating burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. But we should all be …

John Steiner: Whither Fukushima? Whither the World Brain?

Thanks to: carolwoman < This 3 minute video was put together by Dan Villalva , a member of  the original Fukushima Response group, in Sonoma County, CA.  More groups are forming around the country, as Yastel Yamada and Tak Okamoto, of the Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima finish their tour of the US.. Also …

SmartPlanet: Blind Mice See Again, Mutant Butterflys of Fukushima

Blind mice see again with prosthetic retina By figuring out the code that retinas use to communicate with the brain, scientists have developed a prosthetic retina that restored vision to blind mice. Fukushima disaster spawns mutant butterflies Japanese scientists have found that radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster has mutated a domestic butterfly species. It …

Mini-Me: Fukushima 3.7X Higher than Chernobyl 28.3X More Toxic

Huh? We can see by comparing the subsets of figures below that the radioactive particle emission through the air from Fukushima is not only 3.7 times higher than Chernobyl; but, more importantly, 28.3 times more radiotoxic with every breath you take. Fukushima’s Melted Reactors 500 Days On Radioactive Inventory Numbers …by Bob Nichols (San Francisco) …

Dolphin: Fukushima Disaster Was Man-Made Before and After — Collusion and Corruption Across Government and Industry and Media…

Fukushima Disaster Was Man-Made, Investigation Finds The Fukushima nuclear disaster was the result of “man-made” failures before and after last year’s earthquake, according to a report from an independent parliamentary investigation. The breakdowns involved regulators working with the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. to avoid implementing safety measures as well as a government lacking …

John Steiner: Coalition requests UN intervention to stabilize Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 at Fukushima

Below now circulating within US green community. Coalition requests UN intervention to stabilize Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 at Fukushima — Endorsed by nuclear expert Title: Urgent Request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Source: Green Action Japan Date: May 1, 2012 EXTRACT: Nearly all of the 10,893 spent fuel assemblies at the Fukushima Daiichi …