Review: Base Nation – How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World

David Vine Fundamental Work, Narrow, Understates Total True Cost This is a five-star academic work, a superb up-to-date compilation of what can be known legally and ethically about US military bases in all forms from the formal to the undeclared and covert, around the world. It’s inclusion in the American Empire Project puts the author …

Winn Schwartau: Airlines in Cyber-Panic? PLUS Robert Steele on Criminal Irresponsibility UPDATE 5

I REALLY believe in this. This is serious shit.  W UPDATE 5: Note from Winn with Link to Pilot Brief on Avionics Insecurity EXTRACT I am saying something very simple: I don’t know, and I don’t know anyone else who really does know, for absolutely sure, how secure the various networks and systems on airplanes …

Winslow Wheeler: USAF Lies About the A-10 — Is This Treason? Should the USAF Be Abolished and the US Army GIven Air Support Mission?

Last Thursday, USA Today published an article titled “A-10 Warplane Tops List for Friendly Fire Deaths.”  It purported to use data provided by sources inside the Air Force to substantiate the article and its title.  In fact, the article performed no significant, even rudimentary, analysis of the data the Air Force sources provided, let alone …

Chuck Spinney: USAF General James Post Says Telling the Truth to Congress About the A-10 is “Treason” — Really…

USAF General James Post’s Mexican Hot Platter There are indications and warnings (I&W) that the U.S. Air Force is headed for the rubber room, at least if the attitude of Major General James Post, the Vice Commander of Air Combat Command is an I&W of the Air Force’s corporate attitude.  As I said in an …

Robert Steele: Google — Deep Learning Shallow Baloney

I really am tired of the baloney surrounding Google, which calls itself an “artificial intelligence” company. There is no question that its computational mathematics are out of this world — they are also unregulated (the US Government is incompetent in this domain) and divorced from the humanities — people working for Google do not “compute” …

Stephen E. Arnold: Startup Tamr Focuses on Automated Data Cleanup for Incoherent Legacy Big Data

Rising Startup Tamr Has Big Plans for Data Cleanup An article Gigaom is titled Michael Stonebraker’s New Startup, Tamr, Wants to Help Get Messy Data in Shape. With the help ($16 million) from Google Ventures and New Enterprise Associates, Stonebraker and partner Andy Palmer are working to crack the ongoing problem of data transformation and …