Mongoose: WHO/Gates Violate International Ethics with Malaria Vaccine Study That Kills

Those receiving the WHO/Gates vaccine, known to be compromised, suffered ten times the rate of meningitis than those not; has increased cerebral malaria cases, and girls faced a doubling of risk of death. British Journal of Medicine: WHO’s malaria vaccine study represents a “serious breach of international ethical standards” And we want these assholes to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Pakistan Takes on #GoogleGestapo Social Media — Can A Country Be a Country in Bill Gates’s Technopia?

Social Media Versus a Nation State: Pakistan Versus the Facebook and Friends The government of Pakistan’s social media position is reflected in this passage from the article: The new set of regulations makes it compulsory for social media companies to open offices in Islamabad, build data servers to store information and take down content upon …

Mongoose: Alert Reader on Coronavirus, 5G, Doctors Dying, Bill Gates, Population Culling

Alert Reader writers in: None of this adds up.  Anomalies include: 30 day military drill in Wuhan to practice pandemic drills a few weeks before Wuhan outbreak [UN military gamers capped that 18 October — great way to hide intelligence and medical specialists from multiple countries] Same day Event 201 sponsored by Johns Hopkins for …

Mongoose: Bill Gates, Geoengineering, Depopulation

BOMBSHELL: Geoengineering Experiment Funded By Bill Gates Is Tied To Depopulation Mac Slavo A global geoengineering experiment, which is being pushed by Bill Gates and funded by a Nazi-linked foundation has been tied to a depopulation and eugenics agenda. According to Natural News, the globalist propaganda network CNBC has just released a new video (see …