Owl: Is USA Planning False Flag In Syria to Start War? Plus Flakey “Legal Notice” from US Delegates to Iranian Conference

New false flag brewing in Syria? With Jerusalem now the new headquarters city of the US embassy there, it’s time to invade Syria.  Information in this link sourced in a Russian publication: A recent article, published in early May by Russian news agency RIA Novosti, should raise concern, as it exposes alleged plans for another …

Can Bernie Sanders Break the DNC Rigging of the Super-Delegates? A Game Plan…

Sanders for President by Breaking the Super-Delegates? The Game Plan for Winning and Governing with Intelligence and Integrity Robert David Steele After Bernie won the New Hampshire primary, many progressive organizations figured out the daunting superdelegate math for Bernie, and started calling for the superdelegates to vote according to their state outcomes rather than their …

Counterpunch: Lies from Spies – Mel Goodman on Robert Gates as a Liar, Bad Manager, and Rotten Analyst

More Lies From Spies: the Tall Tales of Robert Gates Former CIA director and secretary of defense Robert M. Gates, who served both Bush administrations as well as the Obama administration, has produced his third self-aggrandizing memoir.  His most recent effort, “A Passion for Leadership,” is in the form of lessons learned, but there is …