2000 Presidential Leadership and National Security Policy Making

Chapter 12, “Presidential Leadership and National Security Policy Making,” pp. 245-282. PDF (38 Pages): Chapter 12 Presidential Leadership Background The Ninth Annual Strategy Conference, held at the U.S. Army War College in 1998, addressed the theme of “Challenging the United States Symmetrically and Asymmetrically: Can America be Defeated?” In the course of that event, a …

Art Kleiner: The Felt-Fair Economy and the Future of Economic Confidence

THE FELT-FAIR ECONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF ECONOMIC CONFIDENCE By Art Kleiner Introduction In the 1940s, Elliott Jaques – an eminent and original organizational theorist, and the person who coined the terms “corporate culture” and “midlife crisis” – introduced a management metric he called “felt-fair pay.” He interviewed thousands of employees at hierarchical organizations around …

Answers on OSINT for India 35: Should OSINT Technical Be Separate from OSINT Analysis?

Sir, Do you think it wise to distribute OSINT into two components- analytical vs technical. Technical here means all those tools and wares that help in analysis. It doent mean any alleged omnipotent search engine that searches every thing. For example, while ACH (Analysis of Competing Hypotheses) is an analytical method while the software that was …

Answers on OSINT for India 31 – OSINT Primer for Spies

Sir, I constantly encounter two issues: First, the spies think that Wikileaks and everything online is OSINT, they do not factor in analog sources or even human sources that are not controlled agents. Second, and related,  they think that the best open source information is to be found within the government agencies, and do not …