Owl: Ralph Peters on How Outsiders, Not Insiders, Change the World — Old Guard Blind to the End!

This wise article by Ralph Peters should be sent to every senator and congressperson, especially their staffs, not that there is much hope any of them would gain from the wisdom contained in it. This sample from it is can be offer hope or seem ominous, depending on which side of the fight you are …

Reflections: Open Letter to the President — We Lack Intelligence with Integrity — Please Fire Clapper, Vickers, & Brennan

We Lack Intelligence with Integrity Mr. President: Please Fire Clapper, Vickers, & Brennan Mr. President, I hold Jim Clapper, today the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and previously the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI) accountable for failing to serve the public interest all these years. I believe you should fire him, Mike Vickers the …

Berto Jongman: Trevor Tim in The Guardian on American Lies and Fear-Mongering About ISIS and Mor Elective Unaffordable War

The American fear-mongering machine is about to scare us back into war again So how, exactly, will the administration accomplish “destroying” Isis, when no amount of bombs and soldiers have been able to destroy al-Qaida or the Taliban in nearly 13 years of fighting? The administration openly admits it has no idea how long it …

Mongoose: Russia Stops Europe’s Gas Over Ukraine — Power Grid Sabotage Next?

Playtime is over. Serves Europe right for being an ignorant unethical pawn to US lies… As for John Kerry, he is, if anything, even more worthless than Hillary Clinton ever was. Europe plunged into energy crisis as Russia cuts off gas supply via Ukraine Russia cut gas exports to Europe by 60 per cent today, …

Review: The Secessionist States of America – The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country … Now

Douglas MacKinnon 5.0 out of 5 stars Patriotic Cry from the Heart — Should NOT Be Ignored!, October 24, 2014 It breaks my heart to see reasonable credible cries from the heart on secession put forward, and to then see critics commenting on this material without thinking — in some cases obviously without reading the …

Mini-Me: Ebola Wrap-Up — Robert Steele on Alex Jones at 6 PM EST Sunday

Alex Jones Show SUMMARY: At the meta-level, the Ebola crisis is a perfect case study of why the UN (including the out-of-control Specialized Agencies such as the World Health Organization — WHO), the European Union (EU), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) need their own internal intelligence (decision-support) capabilities, and how corrupt intelligence has …