NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Continues to Scew Afghanistan

Afghanistan-Pakistan: President Karzai flew to Islamabad to hold meetings with the new government in Islamabad. Karzai is seeking Pakistani assistance in facilitating talks with the Afghan Taliban. Comment: Karzai’s instincts are accurate in focusing on Pakistan. Without Quetta and continuous Pakistani official protection, the Afghan Taliban leadership would have had no place from which to …

NIGHTWATCH: Karzai Refuses US-Taliban Talks, US Clueless & Still Shutting Pakistan Out

Afghanistan: President Karzai’s spokesman said Wednesday that Afghanistan has suspended Bilateral Security Agreement talks with the US and that Afghanistan will not pursue peace talks with the Taliban unless the United States steps out of the negotiations. The spokesman explained President Karzai took the action because of a contradiction between what the US says and …

Opinion: China’s Empire Soft and Pervasive + Meta-RECAP

Opinion: China’s Economic Empire By HERIBERTO ARAÚJO and JUAN PABLO CARDENAL New York Times, June 1, 2013 EXTRACT By buying companies, exploiting natural resources, building infrastructure and giving loans all over the world, China is pursuing a soft but unstoppable form of economic domination. Beijing’s essentially unlimited financial resources allow the country to be a …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria-Lebanon Tribal Sunni vs Shi’Ite War Widens

Syria-Lebanon: According to a Beirut newspaper, the Syrian opposition group affiliated with al Qaida, the Al-Nusrah Front, has distributed a statement announcing that it will commence military operations in Lebanon. The statement said, “If Hizballah is not deterred from killing our mujahideen brethren in Syria, and if its members do not withdraw from the Syrian …

Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP

2013-04-03  Applause for China-Africa cooperation (Zambia) 2012-09-18  In Africa’s warm heart, a cold welcome for Chinese (Malawi) 2012-09-03  China in Africa, a Sierra Leonean viewpoint 2012-07-04  Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty 2011-07-19  Cameron warns Africans over the ‘Chinese invasion’ as …