NIGHTWATCH: North Korea: Tension has notched up again.

North Korea: Tension has notched up again. The Russian and British Foreign Ministries and the US State Department reported that on 5 April the North Korean Foreign Ministry distributed a diplomatic circular to all resident embassies in Pyongyang and non-governmental organizations that the North Korean government would be unable to guarantee the safety of embassies …

NIGHTWATCH: US is Escalating NK Crisis — NK Positioned to Hit Guam + RECAP

North Korea-US: Warning. Today’s General Staff statement and the detection of an intermediate-range ballistic missile at an east coast site indicate the North Koreans are ready to launch a missile without additional warning. Miscalculation and misperception could lead to a missile firing. The statement contains language in the official English translation that announces North Korea …

NIGHTWATCH: Tunesia – New Crisis (Intelligence) Networks

Tunisia: The Tunisian government announced yesterday it was setting up crisis cells after the United States warned that al-Qaida in the African Maghreb (AQIM) was seeking to establish a base in the country. “We have launched the creation of crisis cells to monitor terrorist activities on the border (with Libya and Algeria) and in the …

NIGHTWATCH: Chinese Dream Centers on Rejuvenation Through Muscular Economic Renewal and Outreach, Disciplined and Powerful Military

China: During this Watch, Xi Jinping has been elected President of China. Xinhua reported on 13 March that “The Chinese Dream” is a new hot topic among Chinese and has drawn international attention from scholars and foreign policy experts. “China’s new Communist Party leader Xi Jinping said during a museum tour last November the Chinese …

NIGHTWATCH: French with UK Lift & Africans Handle Mali — SOF in Africa at Greater Risk? Islamists and Food Security — Islamists versus Separatists

Mali-France: Last Friday, France began its direct intervention in the Malian civil war, at the request of the Bamako government after Islamists, terrorist and jihadis captured a key town on the road from the north to Bamako. The immediate French objective was to stop the jihadis at Konna and to deter them from moving farther …

NIGHTWATCH: Chinese Using Senkaku Islands Dispute to Experiment with Managing “Total War” Across All Domains

Japan-China: Bloomberg has published an excellent report that describes the economic consequences of Japan’s dispute with China over ownership of the Senkaku Islands. No other news outlet has published a comparably insightful and detailed account. The first point the journalists made is that trade relations between China and Japan multiply the costs of a territorial …

NIGHTWATCH: Analytic Overview of Eight Day Gaza Scuffle

Phi Beta Iota:  NIGHTWATCH is the gold standard for political-military analytics.  We doubt anyone now serving at CIA or DIA could have drafted this in one sitting without references.  Here is the key finding brought forward: This eight-day war is, thus, a turning point because Hamas, like Hezbollah in Lebanon, has proven it can strike …