TED Video on “Connectivity=Productivity” Growth of Bangladesh Telecom to Allieviate Poverty

Iqbal Quadir Creates a Culture of Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh Why does poverty exist? That’s no small question for an individual to ask, but in Iqbal Quadir’s homeland, Bangladesh, there may be no other question that matters more. His answer is twofold: First, European prosperity resulted from the devolution of authorities and the empowerment of citizens, …

Reference: Poverty is an Over-riding Set of Variables

Paul Polak 3 Minutes on Poverty & Mentally Ill 3 Minutes on Design for the Other 90% See Also: Review: Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail Design for the Other 90% Exhibit + “Micro-Giving” Global Needs Index to Connect Rich to Poor/Fullfill Global-to-Local Requests Poverty Dichotomies: USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network, …

Journal: Poverty Leading Cause of Early Death in US + Doctors Prescribing Farmers Market Foods = Need for Honest Holistic Public Policy Analytics

What We Miss When We Obsess Over Obesity Social epidemiologist Paula Lantz reveals what actually leads to premature deaths among Americans. Obesity? No. Poverty? Yes. By Tom Jacobs (Aug 11, 2010) So why is being poor hazardous to your health? Paula Lantz: Stress processes probably play a role. Chronic stress is not good for immune …