Multidimensional Poverty Index (new)

London, 14 July 2010: The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) of Oxford University and the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today launched a new poverty measure that gives a “multidimensional” picture of people living in poverty which its creators say could help target development resources more effectively. …

Poverty Dichotomies: USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network, & “Dead Aid” (poverty reduction vs. wealth creation)

Poverty was considered the #1 threat to humanity’s planetary security by the “High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change” organized by the SG of the United Nations in 2004. Dichotomies reside within organizations. And the United Nations seems to be at odds over what is more important, poverty or “‘climate change”. And recently expressed at …

Review: Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail

Six Star Special September 20, 2009 Paul Polack This book is a “beyond five stars” book and will be so rated at Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog where I can do things Amazon does not provide for, including reader access to my 1400+ non-fiction reviews via any of 100 different categories. This single …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Poverty

Poverty Review: An Atlas of Poverty in America–One Nation, Pulling Apart, 1960-2003 Review: Life at the Bottom–The Worldview That Makes the Underclass Review: Nickel and Dimed–On (Not) Getting By in America Review: Nobodies–Modern American Slave Labor and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy Review: Off the Books–The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor …