Robert Steele: Ebola, ISIS, & Dysfunctional Government

We have a perfect storm in the making. Among the ingredients: 01 Ebola for real — contagious, airborne, mutating. 02 Ebola from Fort Detrick — weaponized, perhaps planted in Africa and Venezuela. 03 Health “professionals” committing treason (CDC) and generally betraying the public trust (Spain, everywhere else). 04 Neo-cons, Zionists, Saudi Wahabbists, and  Turks intent …

Berto Jongman: Secret Deal – Saudis Manipulate USA As Iran Manipulated USA, This Time Assad & Syria Are To Go Down…

A Look Inside The Secret Deal With Saudi Arabia That Unleashed The Syrian Bombing For those to whom the recent US campaign against Syria seems a deja vu of last summer’s “near-war” attempt to ouster its president Bashar al-Assad, which was stopped in the last minute due to some very forceful Russian intervention and the …

Berto Jongman: Clint Watts on Seven Flaws in US Strategy to Counter ISIS

Seven Flaws In the U.S. Strategy to Counter ISIS (Editor’s Note: This blog post is derived from Clint Watts’ Ginsburg Lecture delivered at the National Liberty Museum on September 16, 2014.) The past week’s debate on how to counter ISIS has proven just how effective terrorism is as a tactic for extremist groups.  Two videos showing the …

Chuck Spinney: Gary Leupp on Washington’s Ignorance About the Sunni-Shia Divide — PLUS Sunni-Shia Graphic and ISIS RECAP

ISIS and Washington’s Ignorance About the Sunni-Shia Divide “Most Americans Don’t Have a Clue” by GARY LEUPP Counterpunch, SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 EXTRACTS Patrick Cockburn reports that Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to Washington (1983-2005), once told  M16 head Sir Richard Dearlove: “The time is not far off in the Middle East, Richard, when …

Patrick Cockburn: Letter from Arabia — ISIS is the Lesser of All Evils — And Most Certainly Less Evil Than an Invading Occupying USA…

The Impossible War Isis cannot be beaten as long as there is civil war in Syria BY PATRICK COCKBURN CounterPunch • SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 A letter printed at the bottom of this article was emailed by a friend soon after her neighbourhood in Mosul was hit by Iraqi airforce bombers. This was some hours before …