Sepp Hasslberger: CDC Vaccine “Science” a Massive Conflict of Interest

The American Centers for Disease Control are pushing vaccines with all their might. Yet they are also the institution that is supposed to be responsible for vaccine safety. Something definitely is not working properly here… CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest If you wanted to buy a product, and the main source …

Daniel Wahl: Transition Design as Holistic Science in Action

Transition Design as Holistic Science in Action In the face of the converging crises of climate change, resource depletion, environmental degradation, and unacceptable economic inequality and suffering – particularly in the global South – designers everywhere are called to assume a deeper responsibility for the impacts of their work. Designers are finally stepping up to …

Jon Rappoport: GMO Big Lie Outed by National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Censored by Mainstream Media (MSM)

The GMO Big Lie dies on the vine In May, the NAS issued a comprehensive report: “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects.” The report’s key finding takes in the entire period of US cultivation of GMO crops: “The nation-wide data on maize, cotton, or soybean in the United States do not show a significant signature …