Robert Steele: Catholic Church Debates Secrecy vs Truth – Something We Should All Be Doing…

Although I held clearances until 2006 from 1976 when I was the S-1/Adjutant for Battalion Landing Team 3/4 out of Okinawa (six countries, six ships, six months), it was not until 15 August 1979, when I entered on duty with the Central Intelligence Agency, that the “truth” became my calling.  My class was one of …

Steven Aftergood: Brennan Center on “Needless Secrecy”

Brennan Center on “Curbing Needless Secrecy” September 26th, 2011 by Steven Aftergood The Brennan Center for Justice will sponsor a panel discussion October 5 at the National Press Club in Washington DC on overclassification and “Curbing Needless Secrecy” to accompany the release of a new report on the subject.  Participants include former Rep. Christopher Shays, …

Steve Aftergood: Updated CRS Reports on Secrecy

Updated CRS Reports on Secrecy Reports on secrecy-related topics from the Congressional Research Service that are newly updated (but otherwise not new) include these (all pdf). Criminal Prohibitions on the Publication of Classified Defense Information, September 8, 2011 Protection of Classified Information by Congress: Practices and Proposals, August 31, 2011 The State Secrets Privilege: Preventing …

Reference: Secrecy Report 2011 (

  Steering Committee Members Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists Gary D. Bass, Bauman Foundation Tom Blanton, National Security Archive Lynne Bradley, American Library Association Danielle Brian, Project on Government Oversight* Kenneth Bunting, National Freedom of Information Coalition Lucy Dalglish, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Kevin Goldberg, American Society on News Editors Robert …

Reference: Council of Europe on Abuse of State Secrecy — the Beginning of Global Push-Back on CIA Rendition, Torture, and Assassination–JSOG Next

Council of Europe Draft Resolution on Abuse of State Secrecy and National Security Tip of the Hat to Public Intelligence.Net at Twitter.  In our view this represents the beginning of global push-back against crimes against humanity by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) acting “in our name” and at our expense.  Similar push-back against the Joint …

Steven Aftergood: When Secrecy Gets Out of Hand

“WHEN SECRECY GETS OUT OF HAND“ The government’s relentless pursuit of people suspected of mishandling or leaking classified information underscores the need to combat the misuse of classification authority, wrote J. William Leonard, the former director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), in an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times today. “The Obama administration, …