Review: Governing Water–Contentious Transnational Politics and Global Institution Building (Global Environmental Accord–Strategies for Sustainability and Institutional Innovation)

Spectacular–An Original Priceless Contribution August 29, 2010 Ken Conca I’ve been reading for a week to clear twelve water books for shipping before I leave Guatemala, this is next to last and perhaps the most valuable of the lot in terms for actually doing something useful in the future. The last, The Evolution of the …

Review: Hack the Planet–Science’s Best Hope–or Worst Nightmare–For Averting Climate Catastrophe

Tour of the Horizon, the Smartest of Skeptics July 25, 2010 Eli Kintisch I bristled when I saw the title, but bought the book in association with my own talk to Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) on “Hacking Humanity.” I’ve put the book down glad I did not give up in the early pages, and …

Journal: President Lacks Intelligence on Nuclear Option–Actually, He Lacks Intelligence (Decision-Support) on EVERYTHING

Four Nuclear Myths: A Commentary on Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Discipline and on Similar Writings AUTHOR: Lovins, Amory DOCUMENT ID: 2009-09 YEAR: 2009 DOCUMENT TYPE: Journal or Magazine Article PUBLISHER: RMI Public discussions of nuclear power, and a surprising number of articles in peer-reviewed journals, are increasingly based on four notions unfounded in fact or …

Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution

Beyond 6 Stars–And a Seventh for Accessible Pricing December 5, 2009 Peter A. Corning I could spend a lifetime reading and re-reading this book, and each of the cited sources, and not waste the time at all. This is one of the most extraordinary works I have encountered, and while I cannot do it justice, …