Robin Good: Web Scraping Tools, Services, and Plug-Ins — A Comprehensive List

Software for Web Scraping There are many web data extraction programs and some cloud services available and they vary widely in cost and features. In this post, we’ve summarized them below to help you to make your choice. All of these programs have been either tested by us or have been in general use for …

Patrick Meier: Share Economy Tools List and Links

Why the Share Economy is Important for Disaster Response and Resilience A unique and detailed survey funded by the Rockefeller Foundation confirms the important role that social and community bonds play vis-à-vis disaster resilience. The new study, which focuses on resilience and social capital in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, reveals how disaster-affected communities self-organized, “with reports …

Berto Jongman: Top Three Government Spyware Tools – PRISM, FinSpy, BlueCoat

TOP 3 Government Spyware tools: PRISM, FinSpy and BlueCoat EXTRACT FinFisher, also known as FinSpy, is surveillance software marketed by Gamma International, a software firm with a UK-based branch Gamma International Ltd in Andover, United Kingdom, and a Germany-based branch Gamma International GmbH in Munich[2][3] which markets the spyware through law enforcement channels.[1] Gamma International is a subsidiary of the Gamma Group, specializing in surveillance and monitoring, including …