Robin Good: Best 13 Curation Tools for Education and Learning

If you are interested in taking curation onboard in your learning or teaching program, here is a collection of the best web curation tools and services specifically designed for the education world. Whether you need to pull together a collection of relevant books and reading resources for your next class, or want to push your …

Howard Rheingold: Think-Know Tools Webinar, Registration Closes 12 June.

I’m following up my infotention instruction that I presented in Introduction to Mind Amplifiers with a more advanced examination of both the ideas and the practices around intellectual augmentation and the extended mind — concept mapping, social bookmarking, personal knowledge management with tools like Personal Brain. June 19 – July 16. Limited to 30 co-learners. …

Howard Rheingold: 19 June – 26 July Think-Know Tools Webinar

I’m offering Think-Know Tools again June 19 -July 26. All the details about what we’ll co-learn, the schedule, missions, how we go about participative and collaborative learning, can be found at  Price is $300 via PayPal. $250 if you’ve taken a Rheingold U course before ($200 if you’ve taken two courses, etc.). $500 if …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Meets Minority Report – HUMANS Plus Digital Tools Mapping the Pulse of the Planet and Harmonizing Delivery of Aid

Video: When Crisis Mapping Meets Minority Report Posted on February 16, 2013 | Leave a comment This short video was inspired by the pioneering work of the Standby Volunteer Task Force (SBTF). A global network of 1,000+ digital humanitarians in 80+ countries, the SBTF is responsible for some of the most important live crisis mapping operations that …

Search: osint tools for data collection

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is predominantly a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) endeavor.  The US Government (USG) has not only failed to be serious about OSINT (and thereby deliberately foresaken all possibilities of doing intelligence with integrity for Whole of Government), but it appears to have eliminated all possibilities for OSINT progress by eliminating all positions with …