Marcus Aurelius: Toxic Leadership in the US Army

“Toxic Leadership–What Are We Talking About?,” by Lieutenant General (Retired) Walter F. Ulmer, Jr.  Article appears in June 2012 issue of Army Magazine, the Army’s professional journal published by the Association of the United States Army.< Toxic Leadership LtGen Ulmer Jr. (Ret)< I think LTG(R) Ulmer generally captured the situation accurately: we know at least generally what toxic leaders are and …

Stephen Aftergood: US Army Field Manual 3-55 Information Collection

NEW ARMY DOCTRINE ON “INFORMATION COLLECTION” An Army field manual published last week explains the Army’s conduct of information collection activities in military operations. “In this manual, the term ‘information collection’ is introduced as the Army’s replacement for ‘intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance’ (also known as ISR),” the manual says. “This publication clarifies how the Army …

DefDog: US Army Blows Intelligence Computing (Again)…

I suppose a lack of integrity makes it impossible to learn…. US Army’s $2.7bn Intel-sharing computer still not up-to-speed at work Afghanistan Sun Saturday 9th July, 2011 (ANI) The Distributed Common Ground System, the US Army’s 2.7 billion dollars computing system that was designed to share intelligence with troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, has …

US Army Brainwashing Experiment

The Dark Side of “Comprehensive Soldier Fitness” Friday 1 April 2011 by: Roy Eidelson, Marc Pilisuk and Stephen Soldz, Truthout Why is the world’s largest organization of psychologists so aggressively promoting a new, massive and untested military program? The APA’s enthusiasm for mandatory “resilience training” for all US soldiers is troubling on many counts. The …