Reflections: how can the intelligence community remain relevant in the 21st century

Reflections: Seven Steps to US Intelligence Reform I was quite surprised to see multiple searches using the same language. It is an important question that I have been asking — and answering — since 1988 when I helped create the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (today a mini-me of the larger mis-directed secret intelligence world). My …

Steele on Reality, Intelligence, Ethics, & Solutions [Yale, 6 February 2014]

SHORT URL: On Thursday 6 February 2014 from 1800-1930, Robert Steele will address a group of undergraduates convened by Yale Politic. The event is free, open to the public without RSVP required, and the media has been invited. Yale University, Branford College Trumbull Room 74 High Street New Haven, CT 06511 Downloadable PPT (30 …

Reflections on Intelligence Reform

SHORT URL: Security sector reform and advancement begins in the mind.  In the 21st Century, raw information and tailored intelligence (decision support) are fundamental to progress at the strategic, operational, tactical, and technical levels. If we are to properly address intelligence governance from a comparative and international perspective rooted in an appreciation for the …

Rob Dover: Putting the Steele into intelligence reform

Putting the Steele into intelligence reform Robert Steele is one of the more interesting writers on intelligence. Based in the US, and a former practitioner he has brought an enormous amount of energy to the questions around intelligence effectiveness and intelligence reform, and can rightly be thought of as a grandfather of the open source …

Jean Lievens: Diana Filippova from Paris – Collective Intelligence or Digital Total War?

Of cooperation between men and machine For a peer-to-peer approach to collective intelligence It’s eight a.m. on a Monday morning in 2007. In the Arcueil examination centre, a thousand heads crane with difficulty over wooden desks that are damaged by pens scratching across thin sheets of paper. Railway lines surround the enclave; trains make the …

Yale The Politic: The Intelligence Gathering Conundrum + Toxic Secrecy RECAP

SHORT URL This Post: The Politic Introducing The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Politics The Intelligence Gathering Conundrum As distrust of the U.S. abounds, reliable intelligence is more difficult to procure. By Zachary Mohriing “Snowden and Manning fucked us. Who would want to work with us?” asked one former CIA officer.  Edward Snowden and Bradley …

Review: Intelligence Collection – How to Plan and Execute Intelligence Collection in Complex Environments

Wayne Michael Hall, Gary Citrenbaum 4.0 out of 5 stars Utterly Brilliant, Eye-Glazing, 505 Pages of Straight Text, 10 Micro-Slides, December 2, 2013 You could read this book a hundred times and learn something new every time. I have taken off one star because the book is too dense by far, with a tiny handful …