Richard Wright: Jim Clapper Speaks to Excessive Dependence on Technical Intelligence, and the Evident Non-Existence of Human Intelligence in the Middle East

Escaping Excessive Dependence on Technical Intelligence Speaking at the GEOINT 2012 Symposium (09 October), Director of National Intelligence (DNI) General James Clapper (USAF ret.) argued that the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other U.S. citizens in Benghazi, Libya caught the U.S. by surprise because the attacks did not “emit or discuss …

Search: “new rules for the new craft of intelligence”

Apologies for the limitations of WordPress search.  Google Search/”new rules for the new craft of intelligence”   We asked Robert Steele to review our answer below, and he responded with “If I were doing the chapter over again, I would put INTEGRITY as rule number one–in national security, any lie told by one government officer to …

Mini-Me: General Mike Flynn on Intelligence — Earnest Advance or Better Kool-Aid?

Huh? New threats push need for intelligence, DIA director says Bill Hess Herald/Review,Sat, 09/15/2012 FORT HUACHUCA – The tips of fingers are sensitive, they can tell much to a person about what is felt and, in the world of intelligence gathering, ascertaining the intentions of an enemy many times requires a slight touch, the director …

NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC

Libya:Multiple sources have reported more details on the events that led to the death of Ambassador Stephens. The details suggest this was another case of well-intentioned but misguided hubris by Americans, as to their own safety, and well-aimed and well- targeted attacks by the Muslim attackers. This appears, in fact, to have been a deliberate …