NIGHTWATCH: Saudi Arabia Begins to Absorb Bahrain — Is Qatar Next?

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia and Bahrain discussed a political union at a meeting in Riyadh on 13 May. The arrangement under discussion would allow Bahrain to retain its seat at the United Nations, but the two states would merge foreign relations, defense and economic policy, according to press sources. The details have not been released. …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update

Syria: The Syrian army seized Idlib and rebels, activist Noureddin al-Abdo said on 14 March. Al-Abdo said fighting stopped on the night of 13 March, the Free Syrian Army has withdrawn and regime forces are performing house-to-house searches. News reports also reported the start of another army sweep operation in Dara’a, at the opposite end …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update – Opposition Defector

Syria: For the record. President al-Asad announced parliamentary elections will be held on 7 May. Comment: Despite the violence, Asad is undeterred from following the political reform plan he outlined last year, which will include multi-party elections. The Syrian Opposition. Former judge, attorney and prominent opposition figure Haithem al-Maleh withdrew from the opposition Syrian National …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Ground Truth / Integrity Tips

Syria: Deputy Oil Minister Abdo Hussameddin announced his resignation and departure from the Ba’ath Party to side with the opposition against President Al-Asad’s regime. If confirmed, he would be the highest-ranking official to defect, and the third member of the administration to do so. A video of his declaration was posted on YouTube and repeated …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Ground Truth vs. US Media

Syria:  Special comment: Over the weekend, news video footage from Homs, the so-called center of the opposition uprising, raised questions about the actual effectiveness of the opposition. The videos showed Syrian police, firefighters and militia using fire hoses to disperse a major opposition rally in Homs. So who controls Homs? Apparently the government does, with …