Veterans Today: Revisionist History – The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Behind Pearl Harbor Attack (Part II)

The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Behind Pearl Harbor Attack (Part II) What we now know, eternally grateful to the uncovering and publishing of the real story, is that no amount of good will, no amount of concession on the part of the Japanese government in 1941, would deter Franklin Roosevelt and his Jewish power brokers …

Mongoose: Wounded Veterans Rehabilitated as Pedophile Hunters…

Veterans Wounded in the Line of Duty Find New Mission Hunting Pedophiles Since 2013 one organization has aimed to fight back against pedophiles across the United States: the H.E.R.O. — Human Exploitation Rescue Operative – program gives veterans injured, ill or wounded in the line of duty, training in computer forensics, to work with federal …

Jeff Stein: CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Blaming Russia – PBI: Lies & Fake News…

CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Saying Russia’s Putin Tried to Get Trump Elected Jeff Stein in Newsweek EXTRACTS “OK, then let’s assume there is solid proof that Russian intelligence directed hackers passed the information to WikiLeaks/Assange. Even if all that is true, how would the CIA determine the Russian motivation for passing the information? …