Reference: M4IS2 OSINT UN NATO Search List Alpha

Search History List (* Denotes Substantive Post Not Replicated in List of 611 Items) Search (3): time wheel intelligence, clean sheet analytics, quotations on truth Search: “best practices” and “osint training” Search: “the central problem of our time” Steele Search: “the invention of peace” summary Search: 1000 Ship Navy Search: 20 global problems to solve …

Tom Lee: Intrinsic Participation and the Great Co-Creative Dance

Intrinsic Participation and the Great Co-Creative Dance In this essay I expand on the idea of “intrinsic participation”, a concept I introduced in “Creative Participation of the Whole – a North Star concept”. It stresses that our efforts at participatory democracy are manifestations of a far larger Reality in and with which we are forever …

Answers on OSINT for India 47: Two Examples and The Bottom Line

Sir, In many of your videos and papers/docs, you mention the following examples- That once you had asked a retired bank chief to give you a summary of the banking situation for 250 USD while the intel community couldn’t gather what you did even after spending thousand’s. Kindly tell about it. Once a US president, …