Mongoose: Did CIA Steal the Panama Papers from the German BND? Is Germany Breaking Away from Vassal State Status?

PANAMA PAPERS HEIST BY CIA-NSA AIMED AT BERLIN, BRICS, ALBA, … In Summary: The CIA routinely betrays and abuses German interests. The last straw is the Snowden revelation of NSA intercepts of every email out of the Chancellor’s office and eavesdropping on their phone conversations by bugging optical fiber. Germany retaliates by shutting down the …

Amazon Kindle: Democracy Riots! We are all black now – deal with it! (Trump Revolution Book 02)

The only people actually inciting violence at Donald Trump rallies are the organized agitators, including convicted felon and terrorist Bill Ayers, who are violating – with malice aforethought – the First Amendment rights of the participants in these private events. We now know that George Soros has committed major funding toward a wave of civil …

Robert Steele: Democracy Riots – We are all black now, deal with it! (Trump Revolution 02)

Democracy Riots We are all black now, deal with it. Robert David Steele Short URL: The only people actually inciting violence at Donald Trump rallies are the organized agitators, including convicted felon and terrorist Bill Ayers, who are violating – with malice aforethought – the First Amendment rights of the participants in these private …

Sepp Hasslberger: Medical Establishment Seeks to Destroy Those Who Challenge Vaccine Safety — Courts Swinging in Favor of Challengers

Shaken Baby Syndrome is a medical diagnosis used to accuse parents of killing a baby by violently shaking it, because we know that “vaccines are safe” and cannot cause injury. It turns out the diagnosis is non-scientific, the injuries are not consistent with shaking. Neuropathologist Dr. Squier, who is blowing the whistle on this, is …

Robert Steele: Advanced Scale Computing — Probably Not in Our Lifetime…

Advanced Scale Computing – Probably Not In Our Lifetime Unless we embrace Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) In the ideal, Advanced Scale Computing (ASC) would be holistic – integrating all information across all disciplines, languages, domains, and modes of cyber space-time. ASC today does not integrate all measurements such as true cost economics (e.g. natural …