Search: solutions for prosperous world UPDATED to include readings & contact info

Updated 29 October 2012 to include frequent search request “readings about solutions for a prosperous world” also added skype and email contact info New integrated search term:  readings about solutions for a prosperous world The proven process of intelligence is not secret, not federal, and not expensive.  Thinking is free.  What matters is the strategic …

Theophillis Goodyear: 1992 Explicit Warning Ignored by USA and Others

World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity (1992) Union of Concerned Scientists Some 1,700 of the world’s leading scientists, including the majority of Nobel laureates in the sciences, issued this appeal in November 1992. The World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity was written and spearheaded by the late Henry Kendall, former chair of UCS’s board of directors. INTRODUCTION …

NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC

Libya:Multiple sources have reported more details on the events that led to the death of Ambassador Stephens. The details suggest this was another case of well-intentioned but misguided hubris by Americans, as to their own safety, and well-aimed and well- targeted attacks by the Muslim attackers. This appears, in fact, to have been a deliberate …

Yoda: Mind-Mapping Advances–Listening Does Not

Behold the Awesome Science of Mind-Mapping An Instructionalicious Guide Mindmapping is a very serious and well researched subject, or art … or something . Whatever it is a map of the mind is definately something to be valued and this ‘instructionalicious’ guide is no exception. Allow this infographic to simultaneously blow and map your mind. …

SmartPlanet: Chronicling Latin America’s deforestation, leaf by leaf

Chronicling Latin America’s deforestation, leaf by leaf By Ian Mount | August 24, 2012, 3:00 AM PDT BUENOS AIRES–There may be nothing more depressing than watching a deforestation map in real time, knowing that each time a green pixel turns red, the corresponding square of earth has been denuded of trees. That must make the folks …