Review: Great Games, Local Rules: The New Great Power Contest in Central Asia

Alexander Cooley 3.0 out of 5 stars Neither the Book Nor the Other Reviews are Serious, September 16, 2013 I am in Afghanistan, where I spend my time thinking about all external and internal factors bearing on 2014, and I was greatly looking forward to reading this book. It arrived, I read it, and I …

Open Mind: CIA PSYOP Against US Public – Labeling Truth-Seekers as “Conspiracy Theorists?”

CIA Responsible For Labeling Honest Research Into Finding the Truth As “Conspiracy Theories” Boy does this article by Foster  Gamble fit on this blogsite.  For more than 40 years anyone attempting to find out the truth about anything that the “controllers” wanted to keep secret, was labeled a “conspiracy theorist”.  Of course, then, propaganda was used …

Berto Jongman: Daniel Castro on Internet of Things and New Thinking on Data

The “Internet of Things” Requires New Thinking on Data In the world of tech where buzzwords come and go faster than you can say “synergy”, the “Internet of Things” is a bit of an oddity. It is an old concept (first coined in 1999) used to describe a futuristic world where everyday objects—from toasters to …

Max Manwaring: Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict

Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict by Max G. Manwaring Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict Small Wars Journal, 27 August 2013 Beyond Afghanistan, we must define our effort not as …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA False Flag Terrorism in Iran Plus Overview of Government-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism Over

F-6  info? CIA Admits It Hired People to Impersonate Enemies and Commit Terrorism in Iran The news that the CIA has admitted that it helped overthrow Iran’s democratically elected president in 1953 has gone viral. In reality, the CIA admitted that a long time ago.  Indeed, the bigger story is that the CIA admitted that it hired Iranians in the …

Winslow Wheeler: Purge the Generals to Fix the Army + Flag Corruption and Ineptitude RECAP

There is a devastating review of the quality of Army leadership at the new issue of Armed Forces Journal.  At Armed Forces Journal, it is an article by Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (“Purge the Generals”), and it merits the attention of anyone following military affairs, I believe.  If you think Army leadership is an island of …

Mini-Me: On Al Qaeda Threat, Yemen Backtracks, USA Has No Idea….

Huh? Yemen Steps Back From Terror-Plot Claims, Highlighting U.S.’s Challenge After Yemeni Offensive Against al Qaeda in South, Militants Keep Low Profile, Say Officials EXTRACT Some officials in San’a, however, worry that President Hadi’s credibility has been undercut by reports issued by government spokesmen earlier in the day that the country’s security forces had uncovered …