Sepp Hasslberger: Sun Splits Water to Produce Hydrogen — the Holy Grail of Energy + Water Energy RECAP

Slowly getting there … when the universities get in on the act, we just might end up with a clean energy economy! Have we found the ‘holy grail’ in cutting emissions? Power plant claims to produce hydrogen by splitting water with sunlight The University of Colorado at Boulder has designed a hydrogen plant that uses …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Cover-Up on Benghazi — Or John Brennan Forcing CIA Cover-Up on John Brennan and Benghazi?

(1) Saw this on CNN this afternoon; (2) through my own personal set of lenses, I see this as more likely than not to be true in virtually every detail.) Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, …

Berto Jongman: The Chilling State of Cyber Affairs

The Chilling State of Cyber Affairs With all the attention pointed towards PRISM, another interesting publication was virtually overlooked. Earlier last month, a taskforce belonging to the US DoD’s Defense Science Board (DSB) released a final report titled “Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat” [PDF], that reports on the findings of an 18-month …

Patrick Meier: Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response

Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response Recent empirical studies have clearly demonstrated the importance of offline social capital for disaster resilience and response. I’ve blogged about some of this analysis here and here. Social capital is typically described as those “features of social organizations, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate …

Ray McGovern: General Hayden’s Glass House

Gen. Hayden’s Glass House By Ray McGovern July 21, 2013 Editor Note: Official Washington’s national security/mainstream media incest was on scandalous display when ex-NSA chief Michael Hayden posed as a CNN analyst to denounce Edward Snowden for exposing surveillance excesses that Hayden had a hand in creating. Former National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden should …

Owl: US Gestapoization News: “Insider Threat” – Name of American Internal Security Program to Spy and Report on Government Employees

US Gestapoization News: “Insider Threat” – Name of American Internal Security Program to Spy and Report on Government Employees The ever-expanding US police state is not being extended only to the civilian or private population. It’s quietly being extended to the government and military population, too, as proven by the implementation of “Insider Threat.” This …

Berto Jongman: US Jumps Off the Cliff: False Lessons from Foreign Wars Now Applied Against US Public — the Public is the Obstacle, the Enemy, and the Target

Domestic lessons learned from foreign wars A new book reveals that intelligence tactics devised for use abroad are employed against America’s own citizens Henry Porter The Observer, Saturday 6 July 2013 Out of the blue, and right from the heart of the American military establishment – the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, California, no less …