Review: The Fourth Star–Four Generals and the Epic Struggle for the Future of the United States Army

Been There, Done That, Shinseki & LISTENING October 26, 2009 Greg Jaffe This is unquestionably a great book but it is so narrow, and so oblivious to the larger context within which the U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Shinseki GOT IT RIGHT and knew exactly what was needed, and the impeachable offenses of Chenez, …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 26 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: AFRICOM: Just another Western tool of de facto colonization 10/23/09 BW: Botswana elects first female Speaker 10/21/09 CD: DRC foils coup 10/21/09 DJ: Djibouti Rejects Alleged Destabilization Role in Somalia 10/21/09 GM: Gambia: State Guards Commander Demoted, Dismissed 10/22/09 GN: Expat mining execs flee Guinea on security concern 10/25/09 NG: MEND declares …

About: E Veritate Potens

The OSS Shield was originally developed for the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (Command) but the LtGen commanding the parent command both hated the center (despite it’s being the Commandant’s initiative) and had no sense of heraldry. E Veritate Potens is the motto, “From Truth, Power,” with a tip of the hat for the correct translation …

Review: Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA

First Rate Deep Current Insider View Cannot Be Denied October 16, 2009 Charles S. Faddis I am quite certain this author has been “black-balled” behind his back–Blair and Panetta, if they even have a clue this book exists–are being told reassuringly that the author is a disgruntled former employee, something of a “cowboy,” and not …

Event Report: Not Invited to the Party (Cato)

EVENT REPORT: Cato Institute Book Forum   Tuesday, October 13, at 12:00 p.m.  in Washington, D.C. Featuring the author, James T. Bennett, Professor of Economics, George Mason University; with comments by Theresa Amato, Author, Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny; and Hans A. von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow, Heritage Foundation, …