INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 2: The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

Utilizar el Traductor de Google en la parte superior de la columna central Utilisez Google Translate au haut de la colonne du milieu Google’ın Orta Sütun Top of Çevir kullanın Используйте Google Translate в верхней части среднего столбца Sử dụng Google Translate Đầu Cột Trung उपयोग Google मध्य स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद 在中间一列的顶部,使用谷歌翻译 04 …

Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan) One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater. One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from …

Rob Dover: Intelligence Failures in Syria & Algeria — Is Open Source Everything an Alternative? Steele Comments

Syria, Mali, Algerian gas-works and ‘Open Source Everything’ Read any government security document, any of the national security strategies produced by a now large number of states and you will get a feel for the proliferation in the number of threats they feel they face. The preamble will normally contain a paragraph explaining that after …

DefDog: CyberCom is a Joke. Does Boosting Its Numbers Fivefold Make it a Travesty? Memo to Hagel: Start Here.

Cybercom is a joke.   This is insane. Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force By Ellen Nakashima, Sunday, January 27, 5:42 PM The Pentagon has approved a major expansion of its cybersecurity force over the next several years, increasing its size more than fivefold to bolster the nation’s ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer …

Owl: Aaron Swartz — Prosecutors as Persecutors — Call to End All Donations to MIT — Burn MIT to the Ground, Metaphorically Speaking

Following up on the excellent post, Mongoose: Moti Nissani on Who Killed Aaron Swartz? it is now clear MIT refuses to cut any kind of deal, and the prosecutor went nuclear on what should have been a matchbook case.  Now it emerges that the prosecutor going after Swartz went after another young man involved with …

Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …