Marcus Aurelius: Badley Manning Merits Execution — What He Did Has Brought DoD Information Handling to Its Knees

(1) Tragic that this is being tried as non-capital case; IMHO, Manning deserves to be executed; (2) for those readers not currently in government and thus not dealing with government computer systems on daily basis, it’s impossible to adequately convey how much Manning’s treachery has cost us in terms of lost functionality, lost access to …

Mongoose: Bradley Manning – a Case Study in Government Misconduct, Government Ineptitude, and More Government Misconduct — Daniel Ellsberg Walked, Bradley Manning Probably Should As Well

UPDATED 1 Mar 2013 to add Comment from Paul Harper at Google+. The US Government is incredibly stupid about counterintelligence. They learned nothing from the Falcon and the Snowman, and it is clear that the defense team for Bradley Manning will be able to bracket the charges with a) government misconduct as revealed in the …

Berto Jongman: Endocenes as Ground Zero in Anthropocene Impact on BioSphere

Global assessment of the state-of-the-science of endocrine disruptors Detailed Table of Contents and Preface Book is Free Online 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document The last two decades have witnessed growing scientific concerns and public debate over the potential adverse effects that may result from exposure to a group of chemicals that have the potential …

Reference: Top-Notch Report on Chinese Exploitation of US Idiocy & Incompetence

2013 Mandiant_PRC Cyber APT1_Report Phi Beta Iota:  The naive and the unscrupulous emphasis external threats and internal vulnerabilities while glossing over the FACT that this threat was clearly articulated by Winn Schwartau, among others, in 1990, and clearly articulated, in a letter delivered in 1994 to Marty Harris at the National Information Infratructure (NII) reporting …

DefDog: Air Force Creates Valor Medal for Video Kills UPDATED 18 Feb 2013

UPDATED 18 Feb 2013 to add Reactions This is absolutely insane….ranks higher than a Bronze Star for Valor and cannot be awarded for serving in a combat zone. The Air Force pushed it in an effort to control the Drone and Cyber environment….Air Force would not let any comments from Afghanistan….payoff for the homage of …

Chuck Spinney: Panetta’s Phony Doomsday Scenario

Panetta’s Phony Doomsday Scenario Two Questions for the Next Secretary of Defense by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY CounterPunch, 11 February 2013 EXTRACT Figure 1 places Mr. Panetta’s claim into the context of past defense budgets.  I have aggregated these budgets into the four year totals corresponding to each presidential term since Harry Truman’s second term began …