Robert Steele: Occupy World Street – Summary Article and Book

Dr. Thomas Naylor, co-founder of the Vermont Second Republic and the secession movement of Vermont, has written an extremely coherent/cogent account of a new book, Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform by Ross Jackson. The article alone is priceless, the book is recommended.  I have reviewed books by Thomas …

Veterans Today: Dick Cheney Accepts Home Arrest, Avoids Canada

To Avoid Being Locked Up in Canada Cheney Stays Locked Up At Home Dick Cheney Opts for House Arrest Rather Than Face the Ire of Canada’s Citizen Jurists Who Insist That Domestic and International Laws Prohibiting Torture, Genocide, Aggressive Warfare, and 9/11 Fraud Must be Enforced on One of the World’s Most Notorious Criminals by …

Robert Steele: Itemization of Information Pathologies

In support of the Berkman Center’s conference on truthness, below is an extract from THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Book / Evolver Edition, 5 June 2012). EXTRACT: I now realize that neither governments nor corporations are “fixed” obstacles. In a world of constantly changing information, it is …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Government Riddles & Issues

Why Can’t Americans Have Democracy? Syria has a secular government as did Iraq prior to the american invasion. Secular governments are important in Arab lands in which there is division between Sunni and Shi’ite. Secular governments keep the divided population from murdering one another. When the american invasion, a war crime under the Nuremberg standard …